Agrovelebit d.o.o. was established in May 2013 in the area of ​​Lovinac municipality with the aim of starting agricultural production, first of all Lički krumpir as an indigenous product protected by geographical indication, as well as seed potato.  Agrovelebit  is the only certified potato producer at Lika area which can offer significant quantities to the market but also adequately pack them satisfying modern market standards, all with the protection that will remove the illegal competition so it is expected that market will increase without significant investment in promotion. Seed potatoes in the Republic of Croatia are continually diminishing as a result of the competition, but also the decrease in total production in the Republic of Croatia. Over the last few years, these areas have been reduced to 50 hectares, of which 13 hectares of waste are produced at Agrovelebit, with an expected yield of around 200 tons, which is 2-3% of total potato seed consumption in the Republic of Croatia.


Due to the high agro-climatic conditions for the production of potato seed in Lika and the flexibility in sales, which is due to later planting in comparison to other areas, Agrovelebit is able to react faster with seed potatoes than its competitors importing it. This refers to the sale of potato seed potatoes (hobby program), where Agrovelebit can also track trends (small packs of 5 to 10 kg), which is a less interesting program for importers.

VISION: Become a leading regional manufacturer of high quality autochthonous products. Agrovelebit make a quality economic entity that will be synonymous with new developmental tricks Like.

MISSION: Create a clearly defined product of standardized quality, image and price categories from the traditional tradition of Lika Potato.

OBJECTIVES: Realize a modern company based on: knowledge, first-class products, an engagement team and individuals, continuous communication with consumers, a good relationship with partners and the wider community, high corporate culture and credibility.

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