Seed potato

Agrovelebit is producing seed potato as well. For the production of Lički krumpir is used the seed that has a 19-24% dry matter or a high starch content. Seeds of domesticated Desiree, Bintje or Victoria vines and varieties of similar characteristics are used to produce Ličko potatoes, which have 19-24% dry matter (high starch content) as varieties.


For the last 50 years, Desiree is a dominant cultivar in Ličko potato production. For several years Agroveleb has been trying to select a few more recent varieties that give similar qualities to Desiree in Lika, but have some other better qualities. It works through experiments and detailed sorting analysis, evaluating their production, storage and culinary value. He is also working on finding some sorts that have remained in Lika 70 and older, in some remote parts of Lika. In the future, they will try to reproduce and recover them so they can enter commercial production, assuming they have the qualities they have been holding so long. In the seed production, Agrovelebit is based on varieties that are sought on the market but also which are of interest to their own production On 26 hectares of Lika potato production, 10 hectares are seed production.